Seacoast Science Center
The renovations to the Seacoast Science Center consisted of a complete retrofit of the complete renovation of the existing science center, including structural modifications, new electrical and mechanical systems, a new fire protection system, interior finishes, and a new aquatic life support system.
The interface with aquatic life support systems presented some unique challenges. Electrical and mechanical systems needed to be closely coordinated. The project also had an aggressive schedule to keep the winter shutdown, and therefore, lack of income to a minimum. Milestone worked closely with the aquatic life support systems specialist to insure that all systems were properly installed to support the numerous cohabitants.
Milestone Engineering & Construction, Inc., under a design/build contract, was engaged to perform the rehabilitation and modernization of the facility for the Seacoast Science Center under a NOAA Grant.
At the time Milestone was engaged in this project, the program had yet to be developed by the Seacoast Science Center. Milestone, Warrenstreet Architects, and Seacoast Science Center developed the owner master plan of proposed improvements, priced those improvements, and then proceeded to develop design details for the most valued improvements that the Center could afford. Working with Seacoast Science Center, we used the most valued renovation that was available for the dollars from the grant.